Digital Archiving

Archiving is the recording of buildings, objects and places digitally. Our aim is to preserve buildings that are significant to a community or to an individual for the long-term. Depending on the case, we combine different methods of measurement to achieve this, such as photogrammetry and laser scanning, and connect these to our own VR visualisation solution, TopoReal.

Digital archiving of buildings, objects and places

As part of the archiving process, an object is captured from multiple perspectives from the ground and from the air. Over the course of our photogrammetric workflow, a highly precise and structurally-accurate reflection of reality is generated as a 3D computer model, using this photo. This model is then freely accessible in our VR software, TopoReal and is the starting point for further applications e.g. reconstruction or surveying tasks.

Structurally-accurate reconstruction of building parts and objects

High resolution images allow for outstanding accuracy and also contain all important geo-reference data for surveying. By archiving and storing a model, it becomes possible to accurately reconstruct damaged parts even years later.


Digital archiving of temporary events

There may also be a need to archive one-off or recurring events. This may be to record them over a long period of time or to obtain an interactive and dimensioned basis for planning for coming events. Let us discuss with you the areas in which we can support you.


Would you like to collaborate with us or do you have any questions?

If you do, please get in touch with us.

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